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A full-time communications and event management professional by day, Suzanne Lai is also an ardent bibliophile and cinephile by night. With a Bachelor Degree in Comparative Literature specialising in Media and Communications Studies, she straddles both Chinese and English narratives with linguistic agility and untethered imagination. Suzanne has worked in several global integrated communications agencies, international art fairs, cultural institutions, and media outlets in Hong Kong and London. She has had a stint in the field of creative writing, as well as journalism, covering topics from lifestyle trends to environmental news. Suzanne’s recent writings, translations and photography works have been published in Twin Cities: An Anthology Of Twin Cinema From Singapore And Hong KongVoice & Verse Poetry MagazineHong Kong 20/20: Reflections on a borrowed place, and Cha: An Asian Literary Journal.

Say hello at suzannesenphoto@gmail.com